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WPRA Constitution

WPRA Constitution Amended per AGM 14th October 2003

The following is a complete version of the WPRA constitution



The purpose of the Association shall be the preservation, improvement, protection and advancement of the community and amenities of Wimbledon Park Ward, part of the London Borough of Merton.



Membership of the Association shall be available to anyone aged eighteen years or over who is a resident of Wimbledon Park Ward, part of the London Borough of Merton.



The annual subscription to be paid by members shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting and shall relate to the period from 1stst August. September to the following 31


The Committee

The management of the Association shall be vested in a Committee consisting of not less than five members appointed by the members of the Association attending the Annual General Meeting. The Committee may appoint a member to fill any vacancy caused by the subsequent resignation of any person appointed by the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall meet together for the despatch of business and regulate their meetings as they think fit. Questions arising at any Committee meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of those present. All members of the Committee shall retire at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting following the Annual General Meeting at which they were appointed but they shall be eligible to offer themselves for re-appointment at such meeting.



Those present at the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall appoint members to serve as (i) Chairman, (ii) Secretary, (iii) Treasurer and (iv) such other posts as may be decided by the membership. THE CHAIRMAN or his / her deputy shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall have a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes. THE SECRETARY or his / her deputy shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and sign all notices convening meetings. THE TREASURER or his / her deputy shall keep accounts of the funds of the Association and be responsible for the safe-keeping of all assets of the Association.


Annual General Meetings (AGM)

Annual General Meetings shall be held annually at a time and place determined by the Committee who shall give seven days notice of such meeting. The business to be transacted shall include (a) The Chairman’s annual report, (b) The treasurer’s report (cc) election of officers (d) questions, (e) any other business.


Other Meetings

The Committee may call a meeting of members by giving at least seven days notice. Twenty Five or more members of the Association may request, in writing to the Secretary, a Special Meeting to be held within twenty-one days of such request being lodged with the Secretary. Any request for a Special Meeting shall specify the business to be transacted at the Meeting and no other business shall be allowed.


Alteration Of Rules

Rules of the Association may be altered and new rules made by resolution passed by Members of the Association present at an Annual General Meeting.



If a majority of the members present at a meeting of the Association decide that the Association shall be dissolved, then they may resolve that the Association shall cease its activities and discharge its liabilities so far as there are any assets available for this purpose. If there remains any property or funds in the Association’s hands, the same shall be transferred to such charitable organisation/s as the members shall nominate on their resolution to wind up the affairs of the Association.

Copyright © October 2024: Wimbledon Park Residents' Association is a private company limited by guarantee. Registered address: 170 Arthur Road, Wimbledon Park, London SW19 8AQ.

Company number: 16005278

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