I don’t think there is any question that the flower boxes in Arthur Road are a resounding success. Since their installation several years ago, they have added a wonderfully bright and cheerful element to the street scene.
The supply and planting of the boxes is financed by the WPRA. The key to the success of any project like this is the ongoing commitment to maintenance. That is why we must say a big thank you to Michael Moore who has done such a magnificent job, over many years, of maintaining them on an almost daily basis.
Michael has now retired from the daily maintenance but with Iain Simpson still keeps a keen interest. We must now rely more on the local shopkeepers to help with the watering. However other residents like the Dallimers and Spike Clarke are often seen tending to the boxes. This is greatly appreciated. A good team effort!
If you have area near you that could benefit from some flower boxes, the WPRA is willing to cover the cost of establishing them, provided someone locally will maintain them. Email: Iainsimpson@imi-consulting.com