Wimbledon Park Residents Association

Abundance appeals for help

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Local fruit recycling organisation Abundance Wimbledon is looking for help across a range of tasks, from publicity and communications to leading fruit picking trips and making chutney:

“At Abundance Wimbledon, we have been picking unwanted fruit, ensuring it gets used (including supplying local charities with fresh fruit) and making lots of jams, chutneys etc. We are very grateful to the many Wimbledon Park members who have helped with it all and have joined us at the Fruit Day event.

However, now we need some help to keep it all running! Some things don’t take up much time at all, whereas others may require a bit of ongoing attention during the picking season. It would be such a shame if Abundance wasn’t able to carry on, so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

By getting involved, you can get to know a really nice group of people, be out in the fresh air, get exercise and enjoy lots of fresh fruit.”

Visit the Abundance website to find out more about their work and the different kinds of help required, or email Juliet at abundancewimbledon@gmail.com by the middle of April.